July 22, 2009

Flip UltraHD Camcorder Vs Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Digital Camcorder

Flip UltraHD and the Sanyo Xacti VPC E2 camcorders are currently the best selling compact video cameras in the market. They both have a similar price range but big differences when it comes to features. Here is a quick comparison between these two models.
Price: The Flip model costs around $199 each while the Sanyo model costs about $218. The Flip model is slightly cheaper by approximately $20.
Winner: Flip UltraHD Camcorder (120 Minutes)
Design: The Flip weighs at 6.1 ounces (4.25 x 2.19 x 1.17 inches) while the Sanyo camcorder weighs at 8.43 ounces (2.77 x 1.59 x 4.39 inches). The Flip is just a little smaller than the Sanyo model but the differences are almost negligible. The UltraHD has a rectangle shape and looks very much like a regular digital camera. The Sanyo one has a more sleek design, with stylish metallic exteriors and smooth curves. Personally, I think that the Sanyo model looks much better.
Winner: Draw.
Video Recording: The flip takes up to 120 minutes of HD videos on its 8GB memory card, while the Sanyo model takes up to 90 minutes (and up to 8 hours while on TV-HQ mode). The Flip records videos with up to 30 frames per second while the Sanyo Xacti can record up to 60 frames per second. The Sanyo camcorder also has a 5x optical zoom (compared to Flip's 2x zoom).
Winner: Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Digital Camcorder
Still Photo Captures:Both models can capture still images. The manufacturers of the Flip UltraHD camcorder do not state the resolution of the still images, but from the quality, I am estimating that they are at about 3-4 mega-pixels. The Sanyo camcorder on the other hand takes still images with up to 8 mega-pixels in resolution. It also comes with face recognition and an auto-stabilization mode.
Winner: Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Digital Camcorder
Connectivity: One of the biggest selling factor for the Flip camcorder is its connectivity. It has a built-in USB arm that lets you plug it into any USB enabled device. The Sanyo model on the other hand needs a USB cable to be connected to other devices.
Winner: Flip UltraHD Camcorder (120 Minutes)
Although both models have their own advantages, the Sanyo model offers the best value for your money. They both take HD videos and are roughly of the same size. The extra $20 that you pay may be the best 20 bucks that you will ever spend as it will buy you lots of additional features on the Sanyo camcorder. Compared to Flip's tiny 2" display, the Sanyo has a 2.5" rotating LCD display that makes life much easier while capturing videos. It is also waterproof and can take videos/photos at up to a depth of 5 feet.
Overall Winner: Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Digital Camcorder
For more real reviews and product information, visit Sanyi Compact Camcorder or Flip UltraHD Camcorder.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Pecunia

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